Topics include recommendation systems,Topic Modeling and Natural Language Processing.

Movie Recommendation System

Built a movie recommendation engine with end-to-end pipeline for personalized top recommended movies and conducted extensive experiments.

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Customer Segmentation and Anomaly Detection

Working on a Research paper for bank customer segmentation and anomaly detection based on transaction behavior with innovative work

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Text Mining for Seeking Alpha in Stock Market

Developed a prediction system by web crawling and leveraging Yahoo Finance News for stock price prediction; simulated a systematic trading strategy

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Topics include data exploration, visualization and distribution system, etc.

NYC Citibike Share Visualization

Analyzed and visualized the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on New York City residents who use Citibike as part of their commuting tools.

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PySpark for PageRank Program

Deployed Spark and HDFS in Google Cloud Dataproc and built a PySpark application to generate a web graph and page rank program from entire Wikipedia

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